
Label Ascending Order A descriptive name for the vocabulary. This will be displayed in lists of vocabularies. Owner The individual or organization that registered the vocabulary Status Last Updated This is the date the Vocabulary was last updated Actions
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440 results
VES Las Rozas/Mods VES Fotografías Las Rozas Published 2014-01-24
Video Game Metadata Schema: Controlled Vocabulary for NARRATIVE GENRE Nathan Humpal Published 2016-01-27
Visual Style VGMS Published 2016-03-03
Vocabulario para descripción de películas y series Grupo 3 New-Proposed 2020-01-20
Vocabulario1 Agesic Published 2017-04-25
Vocabulary detailing information about a university COMP872_Member Published 2016-11-07
Vocabulary Template Ingo Dahn New-Proposed 2015-06-26
VOCU1 Avelino Font Franch Not Approved 2012-03-02
W3 Ontology for Media Resources v1.0 Australian Broadcasting Corporation Deprecated 2011-02-10
wallace update Lynne Carmichael Published 2009-08-11
Warzone2100 Ryan Dellana Published 2016-11-28
wigtow Clint Hendrix Published 2019-03-18
Wooden Boats Ann Swearingen Published 2007-11-27
WOX Maurijn New-Proposed 2016-01-27
Written Date Joe Yun Published 2009-11-14
Your vocab Metadata Managers New-Proposed 2014-09-09
Zine Application Profile Subject Headings Sherrard Ewing Not Approved 2008-10-30
Zine Metadata Zach New-Proposed 2013-06-03
数据元 testing Not Approved 2012-09-29
数据元属性 testing Published 2012-09-29
