
Label Ascending Order A descriptive name for the vocabulary. This will be displayed in lists of vocabularies. Owner The individual or organization that registered the vocabulary Status Last Updated This is the date the Vocabulary was last updated Actions
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440 results
SemArch Genre Vocabulary Rachel Clarke Published 2010-11-05
serviceType Grupo Sanasto Published 2014-01-27
Serving Size Joe Yun Published 2009-11-14
Sigmund Freud Collection Stephanie Zimmerman Published 2011-10-31
Simple Lithology vocabulary Simon Cox New-Proposed 2008-11-03
Simulation Shodor CSERD Pathway Published 2007-11-12
Simulations 2 Shodor CSERD Pathway Published 2006-11-22
Site Features eloise and mahrya Published 2008-11-02
Soccer Tony Grosinger Published 2012-05-08
Social Networking Trust COMP 872 Social Semantic Web New-Proposed 2015-11-04
Sodium Joe Yun Published 2009-11-14
Soil Types Stephen Ellis Published 2009-11-13
SoilType Helen Kresl Published 2009-11-17
sour Dong Joon Lee Published 2009-11-27
Source Poems V Carter Published 2008-11-13
starResearchers Sabina Published 2011-07-14
State Joe Yun Published 2009-11-14
subject Lizbeth Moore Deprecated 2007-03-20
sweet Dong Joon Lee Published 2009-11-27
