
Label Ascending Order A descriptive name for the vocabulary. This will be displayed in lists of vocabularies. Owner The individual or organization that registered the vocabulary Status Last Updated This is the date the Vocabulary was last updated Actions
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440 results
21st Century Skills GEM Exchange Published 2006-10-03
538 - SemArch Vocabulary Katie Westlake Published 2013-02-23
538_SemArch Monica Caraway Published 2011-11-20
ABC Program Reference Model Australian Broadcasting Corporation New-Proposed 2011-02-10
about ... shoes vbinz Published 2010-11-08
Academic Interests Sarah Theimer Published 2018-01-13
Accepted Payment Methods Grupo Sanasto Published 2014-01-27
Accrual Methods Matt Boris New-Proposed 2010-11-12
Achelo.us Test Tom Johnson Not Approved 2010-03-05
Activities/Actions Al Kuo Published 2009-06-08
ADL xAPI Verb Vocabulary Advanced Distributed Learning (ADL) Initiative Published 2015-03-31
Agent Individual Published 2009-12-16
Agents K Snicklefritz Published 2011-11-07
agentTypes jbleys New-Under Review 2009-12-16
AGIFT Queensland Government New-Proposed 2010-07-06
Agroforestry World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF) New-Proposed 2012-07-31
Albu-Shamah Vocab. Ahmad Published 2017-02-17
almalki vocabularies sultan Published 2016-11-07
Analytical Science Vocabulary Stuart Chalk Published 2006-10-26
andy lee Shodor CSERD Pathway Published 2006-11-09
