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6 results
description English The name of the verb term your CoP would like to translate and formalize as part of your domain’s controlled vocabulary. Each verb definition must correspond to the meaning of a verb, not the word. The verb entered into this column will represent the actual verb used in an xAPI statement by your CoP. The format of the verb definition should contain the human-readable text for the verb followed with the meaning of the verb in parentheses: verb(meaning). For example, passed(tested_successfully). CoPs will determine how to express the meaning contained in parentheses, using the authoritative source and authoritative meaning of the verb. For example, test_success, is used to convey the authoritative verb meaning of “pass (go successfully through a test or a selection process)” from the authoritative source, Wordnet. The rule for determining the meaning (the string term in parentheses) is that the CoP should simply differentiate that verb from its homonyms. In addition, do not uses spaces. If using more than one word for the meaning, use an underscore “_” to separate each word. Published 7 November 2014 21:32 jhaag75
label English Verb Definition Published 7 November 2014 21:32 jhaag75
name English verbDefinition Published 7 November 2014 21:32 jhaag75
status   Published Published 7 November 2014 21:32 jhaag75
type   property Published 7 November 2014 21:32 jhaag75
uri Published 7 November 2014 21:32 jhaag75