

Properties Listed by Language

English preferred label Classes New-Proposed
English definition are groups of resources having certain properties in common and therefore put together as members of one concept. Dublin Core Classes are the terms of the DCMI Type Vocabularies - e.g. dcmitype:Collection, dcmitype:dataset, etc. Dublin Core also defined [ Classes as DCMI Metadata Terms] - e.g. dcterms:Agent, dcterms:BibliographicResource, etc. Relationships between Dublin Core Classes and Properties are the following:Each property may be related to one or more classes by a has domain relationship, where the domain indicates the class of resources that the property should be used to describe.; Each property may be related to one or more classes by a has range relationship, where the range indicates the class of resources that should be used as values for that property.; For further information about domains and ranges used with DCMI Properties see Domains and Ranges for DCMI Properties Source: Dublin Core New-Proposed